Wednesday 8 February 2012

Doing What the Carer Won't!

Another hotel booking, I love visiting hotels, I don't stay in the 5* ones very often myself and it's always fun & interesting to see.  Plus I quite like picking up some of the goodies in the bathroom... in this job the importance of being clean shaven (face!) and well groomed requires quite a lot of moisturiser!!!

I arrived in Park Lane, a few mints and then went to the lobby of the large rather posh hotel and sent a text to the client.  I never ask for photos or really much about them as I am the one that is there to please them.  He said he'd be down in 5 mins so I caught up with texts and emails on my phone while I waited keeping an eye on the lifts.  Various business men were coming down and I glanced at each wondering if that was the one...

While waiting I noticed one guy, with crutches and slowly making his way across the lobby, it really didn't occur that he'd be the client.  He was young, probably 20 at most, he headed towards me and I realised.  I appologised for making him come all the way to me as it took a long time for him.  We made our way to the lifts and on to his room.

I undressed and he did the same, it took him a long time to remove his jeans so I went to help but he said no, he could manage, it wasn't awkward though.  This was a no massage situation, he wanted relief and to be with another guy.  He was lovely and although it was over with quicker than I had allowed for he was happy and that was the main thing.

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